Clinical audits

A clinical audit at Epworth HealthCare is defined as a quality improvement process seeking to improve patient care and outcomes through systematic review of care against explicit criteria and the implementation of change. The key component if that performance is reviewed to ensure that should should be done is being done and to make a framework to establish improvements if expectations are not being met.

Clinical audits are routinely undertaken in conjunction with the various Clinical Institutes, as are mortality and morbidity case reviews to review techniques, complications and outcomes relevant to certain specialty groups.

Queries for undertaking an audit or further information on audits underway at Epworth please contact Group Manager, Clinical Institutes & Medical Audit and relevant Clinical Institute Director or Coordinator. Contact details can be found via the intranet phone guide.

If you have a query which relates to a specific division, please contact the Quality Coordinator at your site.

Multidisciplinary meetings

Cancer multidisciplinary meetings (MDMs) are held at Epworth and facilitate a coordinated approach to the treatment and care of the cancer patient. These are held as case conferences and involve treating clinicians, pathologists, oncologists, surgeons, nurses and allied health staff.

Epworth holds various cancer related MDMs and their frequency varies with cancer subspecialty.


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