Private Maternity Hospital

Your own private place, for life changing moments.

Epworth Maternity

Your maternity experience

Our highly trained and compassionate team of obstetricians, midwives, nurses and allied health staff are committed to providing you, and your family, a supportive and caring environment to safely bring your baby into the world.

Our exceptional facilities include purpose-built birth suites, a Special Care Nursery, modern equipment and a relaxing postnatal ward. You remain in close proximity to operating theatres and an Intensive Care Unit, if required.

At Epworth Maternity, there is no rush. Enjoy the comfort of your hospital stay, a private room with double bed and restaurant-quality meals. You have access to your choice of obstetrician, comprehensive education programs, breastfeeding support and allied health services to assist with your recovery.


Maternity at Epworth Freemasons

Epworth Freemasons cares for newborns and families across three locations - Victoria Parade, Albert Street and Park Hyatt Melbourne.

The Epworth experience and expertise carries across each maternity space, for you to enjoy and feel well supported in those precious first days together with your new baby.

Find a doctor

Find your obstetrician

We thoughtfully support you through pregnancy, labour and birth. We also provide important post-natal care.
Find your obstetrician

Epworth Maternity

Bump, Birth & Bub

They say that babies don’t come with a handbook -
this might just be the next best thing!

Learn more

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