Epworth uses advanced apheresis equipment for our trials and clinical services.

How it works

Blood is taken into the apheresis machine through a needle in the arm. The machine spins the blood at high speed to separate it into layers of plasma (the liquid part of blood) and cells. It collects the isolated white blood cells needed for CAR T-cell therapy or stem cells for autologous transplant.

The rest of the blood is returned to you through a large cannula in your other arm.

Frequently asked questions about apheresis

  • What does it feel like?

    Have you or someone you know donated plasma or platelets at Australian Red Cross Lifeblood? This is an apheresis procedure.

    Apheresis shouldn’t cause any pain. A nurse will be with you, so you can check in if you feel discomfort. During the procedure, you will be in a comfortable reclining chair.

  • How long does apheresis take?
    Your collection is usually complete in 3 to 5 hours as a day patient at Epworth Freemasons. Our team will keep you updated if you need to return for a second or third day. 
Clinical trials

Working to give you options when other treatments have been exhausted

Clinical trials test the safety and performance of new medications and treatments.
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