Endometriosis Awareness Month

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month, dedicated to raising awareness of this disease that affects 1 in 7 people assigned female gender at birth.*

What is endometriosis? It occurs when cells that are similar to the ones that line your uterus grow in other areas of the body.

The symptoms of endometriosis can have a debilitating effect on quality of life. Diagnosis and treatment options are often invasive and uncomfortable, and there is no cure. Yet.

* Endometriosis in Australia, https://www.aihw.gov.au/reports/chronic-disease/endometriosis-in-australia/contents/about, Sourced 19 January 2024

What is endometriosis – animated

Check the symptoms

Ever wondered, do I have endometriosis? Consider these five questions to find out if you have symptoms that could be related to endometriosis.

  1. Do you experience frequent pain in your lower back or pelvic area before or during your period that interferes with your everyday activities?

  2. Do you often have pain when you go to the toilet before or during your period?

  3. Do you experience pain with sex?

  4. Are your periods very heavy, or do you experience bleeding between your periods?

  5. Do you experience significant fatigue that affects your ability to take part in your usual day to day activities?

Note: This is not a validated test for endometriosis and answers should not be taken as a diagnosis. 

Your score

Answered “Yes” to 1 or more of these questions? Your symptoms may be related to endometriosis. Discuss your symptoms with your GP and ask for a referral to the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth for further investigation and possible treatment.

Answered “No” to all of these questions but still have other symptoms or concerns? It is still important to talk to your doctor or a trusted health professional about them. 

Where to find help

If you have endo, or you’re concerned about symptoms that could be related to endo, the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth is here for you. 

Our network of specialist gynaecologists, dedicated endometriosis nurse coordinator and allied health clinicians provide holistic care, evidence-based support and clinical expertise. We are also building an ambitious research program to find better diagnosis and treatment options for people with endometriosis, and hopefully, a cure. 

Find out more

Get your free copy

Endometriosis Patient Guide

Your guide to endometriosis symptoms, diagnosis and treatment – developed by Epworth clinical experts and endorsed by patients.

Instagram story templates

Would you like others to know how it feels to have endometriosis? What message would you share with someone with endometriosis?

Use our specially designed Instagram story template for your own message to friends and followers and you could win a luxury bath robe from Hommey and a wearable heat pack from The Spoonie Society.

How to enter to win one of 3 luxury bathrobes and a wearable heat pack:

1. Open and save one of our 4 Instagram story templates:

2. Upload and share on your Instagram or Facebook story to spread the awareness message.

3. Tag @epworth_ or if your account is set to private, screenshot your story and DM us to enter.

4. Read the competition terms and conditions (PDF, 81 KB)

Endometriosis feels like... story template


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