Endometriosis is common. It affects one in 9 women in Australia, and many others who are transgender, intersex or gender diverse. The average time to diagnosis from symptom onset is 7 to 12 years. At the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth, we passionately seek to change this, as delay can lead to disease progression and affect quality of life.1

Most people with endometriosis will enter the health system through primary care – making GPs well-placed to initiate timely investigation and treatment. 

The Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth is a Centre of Excellence for endometriosis care in Victoria, Australia. Our expert clinical team has developed resources for GPs and patients, collated in the one easy-to-find location for your reference and bookmarking. You will also find key Australian guidelines and tools on this page.

Tools for GPs


Clinical guidelines and policies

  1. Endometriosis Clinical Practice Guideline, RANZCOG, 2021
  2. National Action Plan for Endometriosis, Australian Government, Department of Health, 2018
  3. International – ESHRE Guideline: Endometriosis, European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology, 2022
  4. International – NICE guideline, Endometriosis: diagnosis and management, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, 2017, updated 2024


Learn online

  • Endometriosis update for GPs, Epworth GP Liaison event, recorded live 24 February 2022
    A review on the management of patients with endometriosis in a general practice setting, indications for referral and surgery, and dispelling urban myths about endometriosis. 
    Speakers: Dr Kate Tyson and A/Prof Martin Healey
    Password to view is: jw!MVX9*

Symptom trackers and tools

  • RANZCOG RATE tool, 2020
    Electronic questionnaire about endometriosis symptoms, for health professionals and their patients  

Partner in our research

Resources for your patients

Patient guides and fact sheets

  • Epworth Endometriosis Patient Guide (PDF & hard-copy)

    A clear and comprehensive overview of endometriosis. Covers topics such as symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, fertility, and support.

  • Epworth Endometriosis Pain Management Guide (PDF)

    Pain is one of the most common symptoms of endometriosis. This guide explains pain symptoms associated with endometriosis and what help is available.

    Open the printable PDF guide (opens in new window)

  • Order resources for your practice

    We can mail you hard copies of our patient guides or booklets for your GP practice. Please email [email protected] or phone 03 9516 2434 with your address and number of copies requested.

Peer support, Endometriosis Support Group

We host Melbourne’s only in-person endometriosis support group, with online options too. The support group is open to all, not just people treated at Epworth, and partners are most welcome.

Your patient can sign up to receive updates about upcoming support group dates: Details of the Epworth Endo Support Group

Centre webinars for patients

Make a referral to the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth


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