Event details:

Title: The ABC of Gastroenterology.
Date: Thursday 24 August, 2023
Time: 7.00pm – 8.15pm
Where: Zoom 


This GP education webinar hosted by Epworth Geelong and moderated by GP Liaison Team.

An evening exploring various gastroenterology diseases and how to investigate and treat effectively.


Dr Samuel Hall – An Approach to LFT Abnormalities
Simple approach to liver function test abnormalities, including common causes and investigations.

Dr Julien Schulberg – IBD Pearls
Case presentations of patients with IBD, explaining diagnostic workups, therapeutic options for management including new advanced therapies and dietary therapy. Monitoring patients in clinical remission.

Dr James Winston - Chronic Diarrhoea
Chronic diarrhoea – common causes, work-up and management tips. 

Moderator: Dr Anne Stephenson.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Evaluate a patient with likely new IBD
  2. Explain monitoring and preventative medicine strategies to patients with IBD
  3. Confidently evaluate and investigate LFT abnormalities.
  4. Evaluate and commence management of chronic diarrhoea


  • 1.5 EA hour (pending)

Event Registration

To register, please provide the following details and a confirmation ticket will be sent to your email. 

  • First name and surname
  • Email address
  • RACGP number or ACRRM number
  • Practice name
  • Practice suburb and postcode

Please direct your enquiries to [email protected]

Download the event flyer for complete information.


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