Nursing and midwifery students

Epworth partners with many education providers,  offering clinical placements to Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Midwifery and Diploma of Nursing students. Our programs extend to fellowship models, providing an immersive experience for learning.

Student placement agreements exist with

Students have the opportunity to experience placements in both acute and rehabilitation settings, under the supervision of highly trained facilitators and clinicians and specialty areas such as peri-operative and paediatrics.

Graduate Program

Learn about our Graduate Programs.

Read about information sessions and hospital tours, FAQs and applications for Registered Nurse, Enrolled Nurse, Mental Health Nurse, Registered Midwife and Perioperative Nurse graduate programs.

Allied health students

Epworth partners many universities to offer clinical placements to Allied Health students.

Partnerships exist with La Trobe University, Monash University, the University of Melbourne, ACU, Deakin, Swinburne, Charles Sturt University, Victoria University and the Institute of Social Neurosciences.

Placements are offered across the following disciplines:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational Therapy
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Social Work
  • Speech Pathology
  • Dietetics
  • Psychology (Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology streams)

Students can experience placements in both acute and rehabilitation settings, under the supervision of experienced supervisors.

The Physiotherapy unit at Epworth also convenes several education events throughout the year, that are available to students and clinicians.

  • Our rehabilitation unit holds a number of seminars through the year via PRoSpER (Physiotherapy ReSearch Epworth Rehabilitation).
  • Our acute division convenes Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Twilight Seminars, biannually.

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