Epworth GP Liaison team

Epworth GP Liaison team

Clare Bohan, GP Engagement Program Manager
Heather Toth, GP Liaison Specialist
Jackie Brandner, GP Liaison Specialist (Geelong)
Dr Anne Stephenson, GP Liaison

Phone: 03 9483 3111
Fax: 03 9426 8997
Email: [email protected]

Discharge Summary/Clinical Handover Queries

Discharge Summary/Clinical Handover Queries

Epworth Richmond & Epworth Freemasons

Discharge Summary/Clinical Handover Queries

Epworth Eastern

Discharge Summary/Clinical Handover Queries

Epworth Geelong

Medical Governance and Patient Care Related Queries

Medical Governance and Patient Care Related Queries

Associate Professor Owen Roodenburg

Executive Director, 
Academic & Medical Services and Chief Medical Officer

Email: [email protected]

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