In Australia, around 45% of people will experience a mental health condition in their lifetime. Therefore it is important to be aware of the signs so that you can support yourself and others.

We’re focusing a lot more on what are the determinants of mental health and also mental well-being more generally in the same way that we think about physical health.

These determinants are the many, connected factors that influence our mental health. There are interventions that may improve our health and reduce the chances of mental illness, many of which can be implemented into our lives.


Many chronic conditions share risk factors, such as excess body weight, smoking cigarettes, excessive alcohol consumption and insufficient physical activity. All of which can be changed through adjustments to lifestyle.

If I had to recommend one thing that made the biggest difference to people’s mood it’s exercise.


The basic tenant of mindfulness is to be more grounded in the present moment, more aware of how you’re feeling (or reacting or worrying about) and moving toward accepting it.

The Epworth Clinic mental health team have developed a series of guided meditation podcasts called Moments of Mindfulness which is available on Spotify and iTunes. This mediation resource has been developed with thanks to the generous supporters of donors to Epworth Medical Foundation.

If you need immediate care, have thoughts of self-harm or are worried about someone you know, then contact a crisis support service like Lifeline (13 11 14), beyondblue (1300 224 636) or headspace (1800 650 890). Always call 000 in an emergency.

Epworth also have a mental health clinic that specialises in helping people improve their mental wellbeing through focusing on community treatment and skill-building. Ask your healthcare professional for a referral.

10 October 2019


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