

  • Obstetrics
  • Gynaecology

Areas of interest


Dr. Maryam Ebrahimi is a Melbourne-trained Specialist in Gynaecology and Obstetrics, dedicated to providing personalized, high-quality care to women at every stage of their lives. With a wealth of experience and expertise, Dr. Ebrahimi instils confidence in referring doctors and establishes a warm and professional rapport with her patients, ensuring they feel truly cared for.

She completed her post-graduate specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology in Melbourne (RANZCOG) , where she honed her exceptional surgical skills and expanded her knowledge. Also holds degrees in obstetric ultrasound, fetal monitoring and gynaecology ultrasound.

Currently serving as a consultant at Box Hill Hospital in the public health sector, Dr. Ebrahimi not only provides exceptional care to her patients but also dedicates her time to teaching and mentoring junior doctors and trainees in gynaecology surgeries and complex caesarean sections.

As a mother herself and having experienced a high-risk pregnancy, Dr. Ebrahimi brings a genuine understanding and compassion to patient care, especially during pregnancy. Her passion and expertise are focused on early pregnancy concerns, diabetes and gestational diabetes, high BMI, endocrine disease, stillbirth and subsequent pregnancy and managing fibroids in pregnancy.

Consulting locations

Consulting Location

GROW obstetrics

Suite 209
320 Victoria Parade
East Melbourne VIC 3002

Epworth locations


Epworth Freemasons Victoria Parade


  • MD (Doctor of Medicine)
  • CCPU

Education and training

  • Teaching doctors in training

Professional Associations

  • ASUM
  • ALSG

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