

  • Breast Surgery
  • Endocrine Surgery
  • General Surgery
  • Breast, Endocrine, General surgery

Areas of interest

Oncoplastic breast surgery


Dr Charles Yong is a Breast, Endocrine and General surgeon who specialises in Oncoplastic (reconstructive) Breast and Endocrine surgery. Charles completed his undergraduate training at the Adelaide University. During his resident year, he was awarded the Alan Kerr grant after being elected as the best resident medical officer. He then progressed to obtain his FRACS in South Australia. Following this, Charles furthered his training in South Australia, New Zealand and Victoria focusing on oncoplastic breast and endocrine surgery (including reconstructive breast surgery). He had obtained full membership formally with both Breast Surgery ANZ and ANZ Endocrine surgeons. Charles had also completed a graduate certificate in breast surgery via the university of Sydney which compliments his work in breast surgery. Charles regularly attends conferences to ensure ongoing professional development. He is also keen on teaching and ongoing research. He had been awarded excellence in clinical teaching by the University of Adelaide. He was awarded honorary clinical lecturer by university of Otago for his contribution to teaching.

Consulting locations

Consulting Location

Epworth Eastern - East Wing Tower

Level 10, Suite 10.2
1 Arnold Street
Box Hill VIC 3128

Consulting Location

Melbourne Breast and Endocrine Surgeons

265 Mitcham road
Mitcham VIC 3132

Epworth locations


Epworth Eastern


Epworth Camberwell


Epworth Richmond


  • MBBS

Professional Associations

  • Breast Surgery ANZ
  • ANZ Endocrine Surgeons
  • International Association of Endocrine surgeons
  • General Surgeons Australia
  • ANZ Association for Surgery of Trauma

Public Appointments

  • Eastern Health
  • Breast Screen Victoria

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