Epworth HealthCare patients will enjoy some of chef Guy Grossi's dishes for Christmas.

The well-known chef and owner of restaurants including Florentino and Ombra, has designed a number of menu options for Epworth patients for Christmas lunch.

The menu features a choice of Turkey Saltimbocca with Cranberries or Prawn Tortellini, Caper and White Wine Sauce for mains, and Tiramisu for dessert.

Sides include Broccoli Pugliese and Italian Roasted Potatoes.

Mr Grossi hopes patients enjoy the menu.

“Enjoy. Merry Christmas. Buon Natale,” He said.

Epworth Group Director Hospitality Services Nazim Bayrak said the Guy Grossi designed meals will be cooked by our own hospital chefs.

“On Christmas day we hope to replicate the Guy Grossi experience throughout our eight hospital sites,” Mr Bayak said.

“Seeing our patients and their families spend a Christmas Day with us and Guy Grossi will be something truly special. A Masterclass experience."


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