Key facts

  • 2,600 prostate cancer patients at Epworth treated in 2021
  • New treatments include focal therapy targeting the tumour
  • Clinical trials underway at Epworth

More than 20,000 Australian men are diagnosed with prostate cancer each year - making it one of the most common cancers for men.

Doctors are concerned some men haven’t kept up regular GP visits and health checks during the pandemic. Men may have missed tests, including a PSA blood test, which can indicate a problem with the prostate.

In the latest episode of ‘Ask Us Anything’, we speak with urologist Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, who is the director of the E.J. Whitten Prostate Cancer Research Centre at Epworth.

As a urologist, Prof Lawrentschuk is used to answering questions that men might find difficult.

The episode covers questions including prostate cancer survival rates, types of prostate cancer treatment at Epworth and more awkward questions like is my penis length normal.

While a prostate cancer diagnosis can be life altering, survival rates have been improving in the last 20 years. In Australia, about 70% of men with low-risk prostate cancer are safely monitored in the hope of avoiding more aggressive treatment.

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Ask Us Anything - Prostate Cancer - Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk


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