An intensive care unit (ICU) nurse from Epworth Eastern is one of the faces of a new Federal Government COVID-19 vaccination ad campaign, targeting culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.

Paris presents the information in Persian (Farsi) in the advertisements to encourage people to get their information about the COVID-19 vaccines from reliable sources, such as their GP or the Department of Health website.

She has urged people to consider being vaccinated.

“It’s crucial to keep our elderly and immuno-compromised patients safe,” Paris said.

“It will also help allow us to get back to normal activities, without lockdowns.”

Paris came to Australia from Iran in 2010 to complete a Bachelor in Nursing, having already finished a Masters in Psychology.

Since then, Paris has worked in aged care, general wards, post-surgery recovery and in emergency departments. She is completing her postgraduate studies in ICU care while working at Epworth Eastern.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccines visit or call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080. For translating and interpreting services call 131 450.


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