Coming into the MCG knowing you have won is an incredible feeling.

An Epworth HealthCare rehabilitation physiotherapist is back at work today, less than 24-hours after taking out first place in the Melbourne Marathon.

In his first ever marathon win, Reece crossed the finish line in 2 hours, 14 minutes and 34 seconds. He also takes out the inaugural Steve Moneghetti Award as the first Australian male to cross the finish line.

“It was incredible,” Reece said.

“I have only been living in Melbourne for 18 months. So many people came down to support me, it felt like a home marathon.

“Coming into the MCG knowing you have won is an incredible feeling. I didn’t take the lead until the last kilometre, so even when I entered the MCG there were others right behind me.”

The team at Epworth Richmond Rehabilitation were happy to give Reece a lift day after the race to help celebrate the win.

“The Rehab team was so supportive, not just the physios, there were dieticians, speech pathologists, OTs, even one of the gastroenterologists came down to cheer me on! I felt more pressure from colleagues than from the running community,” he laughed.

Paul Fairbank, Group Emergency Management & Business Continuity Coordinator and Deputy Physiotherapy Manager, says Reece is “amazing”.

“Reece is back at work today as if nothing happened!

“He came third last year in the Melbourne Marathon but this is his first big victory at this distance.”

Reece works across all four of Epworth rehabilitation sites in Richmond, Camberwell, Hawthorn and Brighton.

“He will often run home from whichever site he works at,” Paul added.

The win has been made even more special, with the impending birth of Reece’s first child expected any day now.

“Reece will be well trained to run after the new baby,” Paul added.

Reece is now working towards the Singapore marathon in 6 weeks’ time.


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