Epworth employees were given some good news recently. Following a successful application to the Australian Tax Office (ATO), all Epworth employees can now access the highest level of salary packaging available to healthcare workers.

Group Chief Executive Dr Lachlan Henderson said staff were already able to salary package various expenses like mortgage and rent, as part of being a registered not-for-profit organisation.

“Our finance team prepared an extensive submission to the ATO requesting a change in our Public Benevolent Institution classification to increase staff benefits,” Dr Henderson said.

This means our employees are now able to package up to $15,900 pre-tax annually, a huge increase from the previous cap of $9,010.

“With the cost of living going up, this is a timely reward for our staff,” he added.

“The change means an increase in take home pay for most employees.”

The increased benefit is currently only accessible by employees of a few not-for-profit private hospitals in Australia, with Epworth now included.

Employees can also package an additional $2,650 (pre-tax) for food, beverage and holiday accommodation expenses every year.


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