New project funding from the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) will further support research to understand the long-term problems experienced by people with a traumatic brain injury.

The Longitudinal Head Injury Outcome Project, which looks at the psychological and cognitive consequences of brain injury, is led by Professor Jennie Ponsford and is now into its 23rd year.

The study, which began in 1995, is a strong collaboration between Monash Epworth Rehabilitation Research Centre and TAC, with support from Epworth HealthCare and Monash University.

Prof Ponsford said the additional two years’ funding means that the project which has tracked more than 3000 traumatic brain injury patients from Epworth Rehabilitation, helps health professionals better understand the factors that predict rehabilitation outcomes for this group.

“We are delighted to have received further funding for this important study. It is rewarding to help the thousands of patients involved, while working alongside both the TAC and Epworth to ensure the best outcomes for everyone. It shows their great faith in us to deliver," Prof Ponsford said.

By better understanding the difficulties and needs of TBI patients, the research assists with planning and improving rehabilitation programs, as well as helping to inform the Transport Accident Commission’s policies and practices.

TAC’s senior manager of business intelligence and research, Fiona Cromarty, said the study was an important part of the organisation’s efforts to generate better outcomes for clients with traumatic brain injuries.

“The benefits of this study extend well beyond TAC clients and into the wider community of Victorians living with traumatic brain injuries," Ms Cromarty said.

Pictured: Prof Jennie Ponsford


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