Vision and mission

The E.J. Whitten Foundation and Epworth HealthCare partnership brings together two of the biggest players in prostate cancer and urological research.

We share a vision to find and implement new clinical treatments for men with prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia, representing 33% of cancers in men and accounting for around 20,000 new cases diagnosed per year.

The E.J. Whitten Foundation Prostate Cancer Research Centre at Epworth explores better diagnosis and treatment options, giving patients the opportunity to be part of studies that may extend their lives. It also enables researchers and physicians to apply a tailored approach to the disease, so patients receive targeted treatments for better outcomes. 

Key activities

Led by Epworth urologist Professor Nathan Lawrentschuk, the dedicated centre team consists of medical practitioners, research fellows and nurses. The centre has a particular interest in the diagnosis and imaging of prostate cancer and is looking to clinical trials offering suitable patients an aggressive treatment combining the surgical removal of cancer affected lymph nodes, targeted radiotherapy treatment and focal therapies such as irreversible electroporation (IRE or NanoKnife™)

Listen to our podcast about prostate cancer

Research studies

  • SIMCAP - a study in collaboration with Dedicated Comprehensive Cancer centre in the USA comparing the current standard of care treatment of men with metastatic disease to surgery and standard of care therapy
  • IRONMAN - International Registry for Men with Advanced Prostate Cancer
  • Current Clinical Trials

For further information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 9483 6035


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