Vision and mission

Our vision is to find a cure for endometriosis and reduce its personal and societal impact by prevention, early diagnosis and patient-centred, holistic treatment.

Our mission is to ensure our patients receive the very best of care. We apply a holistic approach to patient care that covers all aspects of your treatment to take care of your social, emotional and physical wellbeing.

This helps us to improve quality of life.

Key activities

Led by Epworth Gynaecologist, Dr Kate Tyson, the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth aims to change the narrative around period pain and endometriosis. Our goal is to achieve better health outcomes for people with endometriosis. We are working towards this goal through advancements in non-invasive diagnosis, clinical care and research.

  • Clinical care - We provide an interdisciplinary approach to patient care. We have a network of endometriosis specialists ready to work with patients on a personalised treatment plan.
  • Patient experience – Our Endometriosis Nurse Coordinator provides an interdisciplinary approach to patient care. They follow patients through their endometriosis management plan with post-operative (if a surgical path is chosen) and ongoing support as required.
  • Research – We are running research studies and clinical trials to better understand endometriosis. Research will help improve how endometriosis is diagnosed and treated.


The Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at Epworth is 100% funded by philanthropic support.

Core Team

  • Dr Kate Tyson (Director), M.B.B.S. (Hons) FRANZCOG, MPH, A.G.E.S. Fellow
  • Dr Sarah Holdsworth-Carson (Research Manager) PhD
  • Nikki Campbell (Endometriosis Nurse Coordinator) RN, BHSc (Hons)
  • Dilshara Samaranayake (Clinical Research Coordinator)
  • Julia Gregory (Research Assistant)

Clinical Trials/Studies: Our centre is leading research studies and clinical trials covering every phase of patient diagnosis, treatment and care. An up-to-date list can be found on our clinical trials page.

For further information:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 03 9516 2434


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