Call for Seminar and Poster Presentation Expressions of Interest

The Epworth Office for Research is proud to open Expressions of Interest to present at this year’s Research Week 5 - 9 August 2024.

Research Week showcases the exceptional research conducted at Epworth. Research Week is our flagship event to celebrate our outstanding research and the teams who work hard to identify innovative and better ways to treat and improve the health of our patients.

The theme of this year’s Research Week is Celebrating Research Excellence.

The program will include over 14 sessions covering a broad range of research across a diverse range of disciplines and related information. We encourage everyone to attend as many sessions as possible to hear about and support the exciting research conducted by our Epworth research teams and learn from our colleagues.

Submit an Expression of Interest

Epworth researchers are invited to complete the online Expression of Interest to present at a webinar, seminar and/or poster event in the 2024 Epworth Research Week.

Expression of Interest close COB Friday, 21 June 2024.


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