Event details:

Title: Men's Health - Update for GPs


Topic 1: Youth Mental Health, The COVID Pandemic and Item 291
Speaker: Presented by Dr Sean Jespersen, Medical Director Epworth Mental Health
Summary: The impact of the pandemic on youth mental health will be illustrated through the case of a young man referred by his GP for a 291 psychiatric opinion and report. The case will highlight the extra layer of diagnostic complexity that COVID has added, as well as the limitations of available treatment options in the face of overwhelming demand. An approach to management in the primary care setting will be briefly discussed. 

Topic 2: Coronary Artery Calcium Score (CACS) - Men's Cardiovascular Health and Getting Checks
Speaker: Presented by Dr Gary Liew, Interventional Cardiologist & Cardiac CT specialist
Summary: This presentation will feature case examples of calcium scoring and risk assessment to recognise men at risk of cardiovascular disease.  This will include assessing “significant” disease with CT angiography and clinical indications for changing management after a scan.

Topic 3: Testicular Cancer - Diagnosis & Management
Speaker: Presented by Prof Shomik Sengupta, General and Oncological Urologic Surgeon
Summary: Discussion will include the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis and investigation for men with suspected testicular cancer, current specialist management pathways for testicular cancer and post-treatment issues and follow-up needs for men with testicular cancer. 

Moderator: Dr Anne Stephenson, GP and Epworth GP Liaison
 Tuesday 29 November, 2022
Time: 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Where: Webinar via Zoom. Dial in from your PC/laptop/mobile phone/tablet
Program: Presentations with Q&A 

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the broader impact of COVID on the mental health and wellbeing of young people, specifically that of young men
  • Outline Coronary Artery Calcium Score to recognise patients at risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Discuss the diagnostic steps, management options and follow-up needs for men with testicular cancer


  • 3 CPD Activity points

Event Registration

To register, please provide the following details and a confirmation ticket will be sent to your email. 

  • First name and surname
  • Email address
  • RACGP number or ACRRM number
  • Practice name
  • Practice suburb and postcode
  • Download the flyer for complete information

Optional - Submit your questions or cases before the webinar to [email protected]

Please direct your enquiries to [email protected]

Download the event flyer for complete information.


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