Breastfeeding is such a special time to bond with your new baby, and there are wonderful benefits for both of you. Those first days with your baby are so precious as you get to know each other and feeding with your breast milk provides natural nutrition for your baby’s growth and development.

Breastfeeding can

  • Reduce the risk or severity of many illnesses, including diarrhoea, ear infections and respiratory illnesses
  • Reduce the risk of allergies
  • Reduce the incidence/occurrence of eczema and asthma
  • Help reduce postpartum bleeding
  • Reduce maternal incidence of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and Type 2 diabetes

The first hour after birth is an important time for you and your baby, and maximising skin-to-skin contact is so valuable. The time that your baby spends on your chest helps nurture their natural feeding instincts, which see them searching for your breast, latching on and sucking.

Your breast milk is an incredible source of nutrients for your baby and has so many benefits for their health and growth, whether you feed your baby your milk for three days, four weeks, six months, two years or longer!

Tips for the first few days of breastfeeding

  • Position yourself comfortably with your back well supported. Correct positioning, as well as products such as nipple creams and hydrogel may help relieve sore, hot nipples
  • Drink plenty of water. This helps your milk production, lifts energy levels, and helps prevent constipation
  • Look out for your baby’s early feeding cues, signs of hunger. Your baby might make sucking noises or open their mouth and turn their head towards your breast. It’s better to start when you see these early cues rather than later cues like crying
  • Get rest whenever you can. You’re doing an amazing job, helping your new baby to thrive. Don’t underestimate how much of your energy this demands

If you need additional support or guidance, Epworth Freemasons Maternity has lactation specialists available to help you with breastfeeding throughout your stay and beyond. Appointments are available face to face or online. If you would like to book a consultation, contact our breastfeeding clinic on 03 9418 8310.

Maternity Education

Breastfeeding support

Breastfeeding your baby can be difficult for many mothers. Epworth Maternity lactation consultants can help you.

07 August 2023


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