Booking in

How do I book into Epworth Freemasons Maternity?

Following your first obstetrician appointment, your obstetrician will arrange the hospital booking.

Find your obstetrician or learn how to have an Epworth baby.

I live far away; can I still deliver my baby at Epworth Freemasons?

Yes. We have patients from all over the state that choose to deliver at Epworth Freemasons Maternity.

Can I visit the Epworth Freemasons Maternity Unit before I decide to book?

Yes! We welcome visits to our maternity unit before your baby arrives. You can also view our virtual tour of the maternity unit or visit Epworth Freemasons in person by booking a tour online, here.

How soon should I book my childbirth classes?

We encourage you to book childbirth classes early in your second trimester and plan to attend when you reach 30-35 weeks of pregnancy.

Learn more or book now.

Can I book a double bed in advance?

Unfortunately, the allocation of double beds are subject to availability on the day. After you give birth, please speak to your midwife to request a double room.

Arriving at Epworth Freemasons Maternity

Where do I park?

Undercover parking is available for patients and visitors at 320 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne.

After settling in, you can purchase a weekly parking pass from reception for $75, which enables come and go access for the duration of your stay.

If you need to park quickly and come straight up to birth suite, you can park in the ambulance bay at the Eades Street end of the building. Once settled in our birth suite, we request you move your car to the car park.

Your stay

How long will I be in hospital for?

After giving birth, your stay is four (4) nights in hospital. Discharge time is 9.00am. Should you wish to return home before your stay is due to end, you may be eligible for an early discharge package. Please know that you are under no obligation to go home early and our midwives will discuss your options.
*Length of stay may vary for self insured patients.

How will my midwife support me in labour?

Your midwife will monitor your contractions, provide pain relief options, while providing emotional support and guidance.

What does Epworth Freemasons Maternity supply?

All rooms are private with an ensuite, mini fridge/freezer, microwave, Point of Care entertainment unit, television, phone and free Wi-Fi.

Additionally, we provide breast pumps, nappies, bottles, formula, nipple shields, linen, towels, hairdryers, baby baths, heat packs and compression socks.

What should I pack for my hospital stay?

Refer to our hospital bag check list.

Do you supply hot and cold packs?

In both our birth suite and in the postnatal ward, hot and cold packs are available.

Can I hire a TENS machine?

We have TENS available for hire. You can organise this in birth suite. You are also welcome to arrange your own hire so you can begin using it in early labour, prior to arriving at the hospital.

Can midwives help take photos during my birth?

Yes, however this will be dependent on the availability of midwives.

Can I receive deliveries of flowers and gifts during my stay?

Yes. All deliveries arrive at reception on Level 2.

Can I eat/drink during labour?

Yes, as tolerated. We encourage the intake of smaller snacks.

Are my partners/support person meals supplied?

Your partner, or support person, is welcome to order meals at an additional fee.

Can I order in food from a delivery service?

Yes you can. Food delivery services cannot enter the postnatal floor, however your partner can collect food deliveries from the ground floor foyer.

Can I have more than one support person?

You may have a maximum of two support people (includes partner) with you at your birth. They do not have to be from the same household and there are no time limits. Please note, you cannot swap your support people and they will be required to wear a mask as provided, while in our birth suite. This does not apply to caesarean section births (only one support person in theatre). Children under the age of 16 are not permitted in the birth suite or operating theatre.

Learn more about visitors to Epworth Freemasons Maternity.

What do I need to bring into the hospital regarding feeding?

Bring easily removable clothing that is also accessible for feeding, a firm support bra when your milk comes in, breast pads to soak up any leakage and a nipple cream or discs. If you have expressed any colostrum antenatally, bring that labelled with your name and date of birth.

Read our full list of what to pack in your hospital bag.

Park Hyatt Melbourne

How do I get a double room/Park Hyatt Melbourne transfer?

After the birth of your baby, please notify your midwife you would like to go on the list for a double room or the Park Hyatt program.

Our popular Park Hyatt program is subject to availability, clearance from your doctor and private health insurance coverage. When a room becomes available, or if your doctor approves you as medically appropriate to go to the hotel, your midwife will let you know.

How are you transported to the Park Hyatt Melbourne?

We take care of everything to transfer you and your baby to the Park Hyatt, including a baby capsule in our escort vehicle. Upon discharge, the Park Hyatt car will be waiting for you downstairs. Midwives will be able to assist taking your belongings downstairs.

What if I paid for parking at Epworth but I am now at the hotel?

You are welcome to leave your car in the Epworth Freemasons car park for the duration of your hotel stay.

What we offer

Epworth x Park Hyatt Melbourne

Epworth Freemasons is proud to partner with Park Hyatt Melbourne, giving you the opportunity to soak in those first few days with your baby, in five-star luxury while supported by our renowned Epworth midwives.

Post birth

What kind of diet restrictions should I follow while breastfeeding?

Unless you have allergies or intolerances, there are no restrictions around what you can eat. You will find while breastfeeding, you may feel quite thirsty. We encourage you to keep a bottle or glass of water nearby when you are feeding and abstaining from alcohol, while breastfeeding, is the safest option.

How much exercise can I do after a caesarean section?

Gentle exercise in the first six weeks post caesarean birth is recommended. This may include walking and pelvic floor exercises. Avoid exercise or stretches that put strain on your abdominal muscles.

How does the night nursery work?

At Epworth Freemasons Maternity, we no longer have a night nursery. Our midwives will support you as you get to know your baby’s feeding and sleep cues. They will also demonstrate settling techniques and recognising feeding cues. This will ensure you are well prepared when you go home with your newborn.

How do I take my baby to the car on discharge?

Your support team will prep you for discharge by placing your baby in a capsule, and providing a trolley for your bags, if needed. Your partner is encouraged to exit the carpark and move your car closer to assist you.

Epworth Freemasons

What we offer

From maternity education classes to photography, our team is here to support you each step of your pregnancy journey.

08 September 2023


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