You may recall the incredible story of Jane and Alex, sisters who gave birth on the same day at different Epworth hospitals.

Jane had Lola at Epworth Geelong and in the same minute, Alex’s waters broke and she gave birth later that same day at Epworth Freemasons. In case you missed it, we've put the video below.

Many say the first six weeks with a newborn are the hardest, so we checked in to see how the sisters are going.

Alex admits it has been tough, as Charlotte isn’t a great sleeper and has wind pains. But she says it’s all worth it.

The highlight has definitely been the smiles. The first time Charlotte smiled I made her do it over and over just to check it was a real one.

"When Charlotte is crying and I pick her up and put her on my chest, you can feel her little body instantly calm down and relax into me. I remember that feeling when all I wanted was my mum, and realise I am now that person for her. It's the best feeling in the world, no words can explain it really."

While Jane says breastfeeding has been their biggest challenge.

"It's been great having my sister going through it all at the same time but it’s taught me that every baby is so different! The time does fly, and the challenges eventually do get easier as the days pass. It’s all worth it in the end, being a mum really is the best job."

We'll be checking back in to see how the sisters and their bubs are going over the coming months.

11 July 2018


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