Tis’ the season to be jolly…or is it? If you are pregnant during the festive bonanza that is Christmas, Hanukkah and New Year, it can bring about a mixture of feelings.

Maybe you have FOMO, watching your former coworkers hit the office Christmas party. Maybe your ankles can’t withstand another grueling trip to the shops for more gifts. Maybe you are newly pregnant and you’re worried about how you’re going to keep this present under wraps. Or maybe you are due around Christmas Day, and the excitement is just too much to focus on anything else? However you’re feeling, you are not alone. This time of year can be tricky for a lot of us. But throw pregnancy into the mix and you’ve got a whole lot more to consider. But never fear, we have thought of a few tips and tricks to see you not only survive, but thrive through to the New Year.


This year has brought about it’s own challenges when it comes to actually visiting the shops. But what it has taught us, is that nearly everything and anything can be purchased online. In fact, a lot of shops offer wish lists now, which make creating Christmas gift lists even easier. And if you’re worried about things not arriving in time by mail, selecting the click and collect option means you’ll only be making one trip to the shops, instead of one hundred!

Stay Put

Since having kids, we have opted to host Christmas Day at our house. Why, you may ask, would we want to take on that responsibility? Well, for starters, we don’t need to move. If you are heavily pregnant, the last thing you’ll probably feel like doing is sitting in a car visiting numerous relatives. Giving family and friends the option to come to you on the day, may mean you are responsible for feeding them, but it does give you more freedom and flexibility to take rest when you need it. Something that is so important at this time of year.


Whether you are hosting over the festive season, or visiting friends, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Pre-making food ahead of time, will save yourself the rush on Christmas Day, but don’t be afraid to ask someone else to do it. Whether it’s a platter purchased from the local deli, or requesting friends and relatives to bring a plate for lunch or dinner, it all helps to ease the stress on the day.

Keeping cool

Christmas in Australia can be notoriously scorching. I remember being 39 weeks pregnant one December and placing myself in the kid’s blow up pool and not moving. It was bliss. You and your baby are the priority, so do what needs to be done to keep cool in the heat. Washcloths in the freezer placed on swollen feet, feel amazing, and staying hydrated is equally as important, so keep a filled and chilled water bottle close by.

Keeping mum

If you are newly pregnant and aren’t quite ready to spread the news, the festive season can be a little overwhelming, especially if you’re suffering from morning sickness and fatigue. Remember it is ok to say no to events you don’t feel like going to. And if probing pregnancy questions are a given, ask your partner to come up with a topic they can easily and quickly steer the conversation to. Of course, you can always politely say “none of your business” if the situation arises!

Christmas time can be the most magical time of the year, but please remember to take care of yourself and your baby. Ask for help if you need to, put your feet up frequently and don’t forget to sit back and soak it all up. Congratulations on your pregnancy, and if you have any questions you can always feel confident in contacting the friendly midwives at Epworth.

Our services


At Epworth Maternity our experienced midwives will support you through pregnancy and the birth of your baby in a state of the art hospital setting.

03 December 2020


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