Epworth sister Alex who had her first bub on the same day as her sister Jane, has welcomed a son to the world.
Below, Alex shares her experience of her early days with baby Harvey and introduction to now 16 month old Charlotte.

Harvey arrived a little bit early and fairly quickly and has been keeping us on our toes ever since.

“I happened to deliver Harvey in the same delivery suite as Charlotte – it was quite surreal to be back there a short 16 months later and leave with a second little human to add to the family.”

I feel very lucky to have been able to grow and birth two perfect little people.

I thought I knew how those first few weeks were going to play out – Charlotte had (in hindsight) been a pretty easy baby – boy was I in for a shock. The first three months of life with Harvey were the hardest days of my life. There were so many tears – both Harvey’s and mine – and not much joy. That may sound strange to some – how can a healthy baby bring anything other than joy – and prior to experiencing it, I would have thought the same. However, being a mum with an unsettled baby can be a pretty isolating existence.

“If you are ever tempted to tell a soon to be second time mum that the second is always easier – please don’t – it’s not always true.”

We eventually worked out what was causing all the screaming and Harvey is now – for the most part – a happy little (huge) baby. I have come out the other side with a new appreciation for just how important it is to support first/second/third time mums around you – I wouldn’t have survived those weeks without a small circle of woman – and of course my husband. The smallest act of kindness makes the world of difference. It’s so important to remove any preconceived ideas you may have about how a mum should be coping – and just be kind.

Charlotte was (thank goodness) a dream in those early weeks – there was none of the jealousy we had anticipated, she slept through all the crying overnight and was always ready to give her little baby a kiss on the head.

“Harvey is nearly 4 months now, and his eyes follow Charlotte around the room – I can already tell they are going to be so close.”

It makes me so happy to think that they both won’t really know a life without each other.

03 February 2020


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